What is wrong with death?

It is a grave fact that few realize, when they are in a group of people; among that group one person will be the next to die and one person will be the last to survive. In any setting you find yourself, this rule applies, though it is impossible to know who. The only time it is known for sure is when you are sitting alone.

Raymond K Motivation

Excuses like, “too much school”, too much work, too much risk, and too much to do, are all pitiful excuses when the other option is death. Even though Raymond’s life was never in danger, the life-threatening lie Tyler told him was to motivate him to change. Out of all the self-help books, podcasts, and seminars, I can’t think of any better motivation than what Raymond received. With all the time I have put into the previously mentioned sources of motivation I still feel as though I am falling short. What could result from experiencing this situation like Raymond?

Feeling like a spinning compass

If you ask my family and friends, they will tell you I have done well for myself. I currently have checked off many boxes that make up a wholesome life: well-paying job, nice house, accomplished and beautiful wife, healthy 1-year old son, healthy lifestyle, no debt other than 1 car and mortgage payment, and theContinue reading “Feeling like a spinning compass”

Is the Universe Intelligible?

A Writing Prompt from “The Philosopher’s Notebook” Anything is intelligible, however, as limited humans, we may not be capable of understanding it. Physical limits hold us back. The grip of time and space hold us back from exploring the universe. The way humans grow to understand something, we must be able to experience things withContinue reading “Is the Universe Intelligible?”

Does life have meaning?

A Writing Prompt from “The Philosopher’s Notebook” Life does have meaning, however, that meaning is simply busy work. Yes, it doesn’t sound like anything special, yet when you think of how much life is in the world and how we treat the majority of it, the meaning is an honest assessment. However our DNA isContinue reading “Does life have meaning?”

How free are we?

A Writing Prompt from “The Philosopher’s Notebook” An individual is only as free as they let themselves. Through childhood we are slaves to our upbringing, if we are free, we will not let it define our lives as adults, yet we usually do. In picking a career we are slaves to the material world, ifContinue reading “How free are we?”

What happens to us after we die?

A Writing Prompt from “The Philosopher’s Notebook A question that I frequently ponder over, mostly during my lunch break walks. I find myself thankful that, at this point in my life, I don’t associate death with sadness. I think the reason why so many people have such difficulty discussing or even just acknowledging it isContinue reading “What happens to us after we die?”